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Low-priority queue League of Legends: Causes and solutions



Low priority queue League of Legends: Causes and solutions

In League of Legends, maintaining good behavior and avoiding game penalties is essential for a smooth gaming experience. One of the most common punishments for players who leave games early, fail to connect, or exhibit unsportsmanlike behavior is being placed in the low-priority queue.

This system is designed to encourage better behavior and reduce negative experiences for other players.

In this article, we’ll explore what the low-priority queue League of Legends is, why players are placed in it, and how they can get out of it.

What is a low-priority queue League of Legends?

The low-priority queue is a form of punishment issued by Riot Games for players who have consistently left games, disconnected, or displayed disruptive behavior. When a player is placed in the low-priority queue, they experience longer wait times before being matched with other players. This queue is intended to penalize players for their negative behavior and discourage future violations of the rules.

While in the low-priority queue, players are required to wait additional time (usually between 5 to 20 minutes) before they can even begin to search for a match. This waiting time must be completed for several consecutive games (typically 5 matches) before the penalty is lifted. The exact number of games and wait time depends on the severity of the player’s infractions.

Reasons for being placed in a low-priority queue

Players are placed in the low-priority queue League of Legends for several reasons, most of which involve disrupting the game experience for others. Below are the common reasons why players may be sent to the low-priority queue:

1. Leaving the game (AFK)

One of the most frequent reasons for being placed in the low-priority queue is leaving a game prematurely or going AFK (away from the keyboard). When a player disconnects or stops participating in a match, it can ruin the experience for the rest of the team, leading to an unbalanced game. Riot Games penalizes repeat offenders who regularly go AFK by placing them in the low-priority queue.

2. Dodging champion select

Another reason for receiving a low-priority queue penalty is dodging the champion select phase. This occurs when a player intentionally quits the game lobby during champion select, forcing everyone to return to the queue. While an occasional dodge might not lead to penalties, players who consistently dodge champion select may find themselves in the low-priority queue as a result.

3. Unsportsmanlike behavior

Toxicity, harassment, and unsportsmanlike behavior are also punishable offenses that can result in being placed in the low-priority queue. League of Legends has a reporting system that allows players to report others for negative behavior, and repeated reports can lead to consequences, including chat restrictions, temporary suspensions, or placement in the low-priority queue.

4. Connectivity issues

Players with consistent connectivity problems may also end up in the low-priority queue, even if they don’t intend to leave games early. If a player frequently disconnects due to poor internet connection or other technical issues, they may still face penalties for negatively affecting the game.

How long does the low-priority queue last?

The low-priority queue League of Legends lasts for a set number of games, and the waiting time before each game can vary depending on the severity of the offense. Typically, players must complete five games in low priority queue, with additional waiting times ranging from 5 to 20 minutes before they can begin searching for a match.

Here’s a general breakdown of the penalties:

  • 1st offense: 5-minute wait for 5 games.
  • 2nd offense: 10-minute wait for 5 games.
  • 3rd offense and beyond: 20-minute wait for 5 games.

Players cannot leave or dodge games during this time, or the penalty will reset, forcing them to start the process over again. To avoid prolonged punishment, players should avoid further violations and play the required matches without leaving or going AFK.

How to get out of low priority queue

The only way to remove the low-priority queue penalty is by playing and completing the required number of games while waiting out the extra time before each match. There are no shortcuts or instant fixes to escape this penalty, so players must serve their time and commit to playing fairly.

Here are some tips to avoid ending up in a low-priority queue again:

1. Stay connected to the game

One of the best ways to avoid the low-priority queue League of Legends is by ensuring a stable internet connection. Players should always double-check their network settings before starting a game to minimize the chances of disconnecting. Using a wired connection (Ethernet) instead of Wi-Fi can significantly reduce the risk of connection drops.

2. Avoid dodging champion select

While dodging can sometimes be tempting, especially if a team composition looks weak or there’s potential toxicity from teammates, dodging champion select regularly will lead to penalties. Instead of dodging, try to communicate with your team and adjust your strategy if the champion composition isn’t ideal.

3. Be respectful and follow the code of conduct

Toxicity is a major issue in any online game, and League of Legends is no exception. Players should always strive to communicate respectfully, avoid harassing teammates or opponents, and stay calm even when games aren’t going well. Following the Summoner’s Code and displaying good sportsmanship can prevent penalties like chat restrictions or low-priority queue placement.

4. Resolve technical issues

If technical issues such as lag, frame drops, or hardware problems cause you to disconnect from games, it’s crucial to address these before jumping into ranked or team-based matches. Make sure your system meets the game’s requirements and that you aren’t experiencing ongoing network issues. Updating drivers and optimizing your system for gaming can also reduce the likelihood of being penalized for connection issues.

Effects of low priority queue on ranked games

For players who regularly participate in ranked games, being placed in the low-priority queue can be a major setback. Since you must complete the required number of games in low priority before you can queue up for ranked matches, it can slow your progression through the ranks. Additionally, being in a low-priority queue may lead to facing more disruptive or toxic players, making it harder to win games and perform well in ranked.

To avoid these issues, it’s important to maintain a good standing in the game and avoid behaviors that could lead to penalties. Losing time in ranked due to the low priority queue can hinder players from climbing the ladder effectively.

Can you avoid the low-priority queue?

While the low-priority queue is an effective punishment, it can be frustrating for players who find themselves repeatedly penalized. Fortunately, there are ways to avoid being placed in this queue altogether:

  • Ensure stable connections before starting games.
  • Avoid dodging champion select unless absolutely necessary.
  • Display good sportsmanship and avoid toxic behavior.
  • Fix technical issues that cause repeated disconnects or poor performance.

By following these guidelines, players can enjoy a smoother gaming experience and avoid the setbacks that come with low-priority queue penalties.

Final thoughts

The low-priority queue League of Legends is a tool used by Riot Games to penalize players for disruptive behavior, such as leaving games early, dodging champion select, or exhibiting unsportsmanlike conduct. While being placed in the low-priority queue is frustrating, it serves as a reminder for players to maintain good behavior and respect for their teammates.

By understanding why the low-priority queue is enforced and taking steps to avoid it, players can ensure a better experience for themselves and others in the League of Legends community. Staying connected, avoiding dodges, and fostering a positive attitude will keep you out of the low-priority queue and help you enjoy the game to its fullest. Also, here are some similar articles that you might find useful:

My name is Bogdan, a passionate writer and explorer of words, born and raised in western Romania. With a deep love for literature and culture, I traveled through the world of stories from a young age. On this blog, I share my thoughts and visions about life, art, society and many other areas, inviting readers on a journey through words and emotions. Each article is an open window to my inner world, reflecting passions, dreams and questions. I am dedicated to creating content that inspires, educates and provokes thought, building a community of passionate and curious readers. I invite you to explore with me this world of words, where every story becomes an adventure and every idea a new beginning.

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